Monday, May 30, 2011

Would You Like a Cookie-Cookie??

I've never had a fortune cookie know me so well... Thank you fortune for reminding me why I want this summer to go by fast! haha The family had a good laugh when I showed them my fortune. To catch ya'll up, Corey is in Thailand for the summer, and I won't get to see him for pretty much 3 months. So in other words, I need to be distracted this summer.

In other news, it snowed in Utah. Happy Memorial Day weekend. P.S./ Where is Summer?

2 Quips:

Stephanie Stohel said...

uh i feel a tad left out.. who the heck is cory?????

Mandi West said...

Stohely, I think we should hang out this summer. This way none of us can feel left out.