Monday, October 12, 2009

Yes, I'm Good To Drive, But Never Ever Alone!

So usually I don't drive to Salt Lake from Logan, or vice-versa, by myself. But the one time I find that I have to, the most unbelievable thing happened.

It starts out like this, I'm going 60 on the freeway and I'm talkin to my sister on the phone. We are discussing the disney college thing when all of a sudden I'm blinded by this guys brights. I ignore it and just keep talking. Then I notice this guy is driving next to me. Once again, I try to ignore him. Then I hear this car honking. It is the same guy! I try not to pay attention to him and keep talking to my sister, but I keep noticing that he is driving along side of me. This continues for a long time, and I start freaking out. So I tell my sister I would call her back, hang up, and look over, and he is trying to talk to me... So I roll my window down and ask him what's up? Stupid, because we are driving so fast, so of course I couldn't understand him. He motions me to pull over. Me thinking "Oh crap, there must be something wrong with my car!", I pull over. He then pulls in behind on the side of the road. Too scared to meet this guy, I instantly lock my doors and roll down my window a little bit. The guy then precedes to get out of his car and comes up to my door. He motions me to open up.... Stupid me, I do it. (I know I know, idiot!) This is what happens next:

Smoker guy: *reaches out hand to shake* Hello, I'm Rolland.
Me:*shakes his hand* Hi there... I'm Trisha. (totally made it up on the spot, more like a defensive instinct)
Rolland: You are good to drive?
Me:*Very perplexed by this question* Yes? I am good to drive....
Rolland: Good, good... So what's your number?
Me: *Very oblivious.* My Number? Are you serious? Why my number?
Rolland: You say you are good to drive, no? Just thought I get your number.
Me: *Just sit there dazed as he then leans on my car smokin away, silently I mutter ew* I'd rather not.
Rolland: Oh you have boyfriend??
Me: *abruptly* Yes! Yes I do!
Rolland: Oh 'scuse me. Sorry about this. *then reaches out to shake my hand again*
Me: *Not wanting to shake his hand after knowing what he was after, I slap it like a high five* Alright bye!
Both get in our cars and drive away.

This is why I refuse to drive home by myself ever, ever again!

3 Quips:

anna said...

MANDI! next time a rolland from wendover motions you to pull over don't do it.

so scary!

Kimi said...

Have you never watched creepy cop shows? Or ever been to one of those rape lectures by the cops? You need to look one up at your dorm, I'm sure they have them. Alli and Lacey took a self defense class that you should maybe look into to.

Courtney said...

I can get thinking something is wrong with the car, but getting out without knowing what they want? But that guy was really creepy I am so sorry! But Kimi is right the self defense classes up there do rock and you get to beat up your teacher at the end.