Saturday, June 14, 2008

Things to Ponder

Well, today has been, how shall I say, an interesting/weird day. Many things came up in my mind that I have been pondering all day! So here's the list of things to ponder:

1- At the store today, I was in line at the check out and the cashier lady was helpin a women out. As the lady was done, you'd expect to hear from the cashier, "Have a nice day!" or something to that extent... No, this lady whips out a, "happy new year!"... WHAT?! the women, as she walked away, put on a confused looking face and i don't blame her! Then the next store i go to the same thing happens again!! Where am I? Who says "Happy New Year" in the middle of JUNE!!! Now many people say, well what if it's the Chinese new year or somethin like that... How do you even respond if that is the case? "You too"? or my favorite, "and a happy year of the rat to you!" This totally reminded me of an episode on Seinfeld where Jerry complains about people who say Happy New Year's late.

2- Now, i will admit, i am one to try and text while in the car. I confess, but most of the time it's at a stop light. I am really not that talented. But today, i saw someone really talented! Now picture this....A guy was driving with his knees, A bagel in one hand, what appeared to be coffee in the other, and his cell phone pressed against his shoulder. He is truly gifted!
3- On this one, I was putting groceries away. Seems simple enough. But then i got to a can of Pineapples. On the label it said, Pineapple Chunks.... Yeah, made me sick to my stomach. Could the companies not come up with any other word than chunk to describe their food? i don't know about you guys, but that just sounded awful to me.
In the end, i guess i am not the one to judge. I've done some weird things in my life as well. But once again, these are just things to ponder.

1 Quips:

Amie said...

You are weird.