The last ever senior dances of the year, and they were amazing! Going stag to both of them was such a blast! Dates are so stressful and this way is easier. HaHa I love the fella's and respect that they handle the dates, but girls struggle at that, let's be honest.
1- Girl's Preference Dance: Nerds Night Out!
Such a wonderful subject, why not go stag? Fits the theme very well. I had a great time with all my friends, and being nerds, we all danced however we wanted. Next to the dance, the best part was dressing up. We looked awesome as nerds!
For this dance, stag was recquired. But it was so much fun!! Being our last dance as seniors, we knew we had to dance our little hearts out. You can tell we danced hard by the sweaty pictures. haha I apologize for my sweatyness.
Dances are what I will miss the most about highschool. I had such amazing groups of friends, and we had tons of fun! But don't worry, I will still dance my life away!
Dances are what I will miss the most about highschool. I had such amazing groups of friends, and we had tons of fun! But don't worry, I will still dance my life away!
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